Personalized Nutrition
Healthy eating starts with a Nutrigenetic Analysis
How much coffee should I drink? Am I salt-sensitive? Is gluten-free diet right for me? Your genetics can provide answers, as it shapes the unique responses of your body to various foods.
Understand your body better with a comprehensive genetic analysis. Get gene-informed and make the dietary choices that suit you.
Let evidence-based science guide you towards optimal wellness.

Antioxidant effect, headaches, anxiety
Genetic studies have discovered that some people benefit by drinking coffee, while others are at risk by it.
Our simple and affordable test can tell what’s caffeine for your body: a healthy antioxidant boost, or a factor promoting hypertension, anxiety, headaches and diabetes.

Lactose intolerance
Milk products digestion
Many adults lose the ability to digest lactose, up to a stage were intake of dairy products is accompanied by abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence and diarrhea.
The lactase enzyme is responsible for lactose metabolism. Genetic variations in genes regulating its production determine how well can you digest milk products.

Gluten sensitivity
Gluten-free diet?
For some, it is the answer for stomach discomforts, bone and joint pain, headaches, or fatigue.
Since gluten-sensitivity and Celiac disease are highly genetic disorders, our simple test would reveal your body's reaction to gluten.
Get Gene Informed and know thyself.

Meat Carcinogenes
Genetic sensitivity puts 1 in 10 Americans at greater risk for colon cancer.
Eating cooked meat exposes your body to HCAs and PAHs- two carcinogens. These chemicals significantly increase the risk for colon cancer if not eliminated quickly by your anti-oxidative enzymes.
The low-activity version of the enzyme makes some of us extra-sensitive to the carcinogens in meat and smoke. However, it is possible to increase the enzyme's activity and lower the risk for carriers of this genetic variation.

Homocysteine and folate deficiency
The MTHFR mutation
High homocysteine level is associated with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, macular degeneration, hearing loss and migraine, as well as a 3-fold increase in risk for premature cardiovascular disease.
The majority of individuals with high levels of homocysteine carry the MTHFR variation. This genetic set-up reduces the ability to metabolize folate by up to 66%, resulting in high homocysteine levels.

Vitamin C
Immune system, antioxidant
Deficiency in vitamin C affect up to 17% of some populations.
While dietary intake, smoking, body weight and physical activity are all known determinants of serum vitamin C levels, studies show that there is a substantial genetic factor predisposing for deficiency.
Individuals with a GSTT1 gene variant tend to have a 40% reduction in vitamin C compared to others, even when dietary intake and all other determinants are equal.

Vitamin D
Immune system, bone health
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin crucial for calcium absorption, bone health and immune system. Our body obtains vitamin D from animal-derived foods, such as fish, liver, cheese and egg yolk, as well as vitamin D-fortified food items.
Vitamin D deficiency is usually associated with limited sun exposure or vegan diet, however certain genetic set-ups also predispose to deficiency.

Vitamin B-12
Anemia, memory loss, psychosis
Vitamin B-12 deficiency is clinically associated with anemia, neurological disorders, and cognitive impairment such as memory loss.
Most cases of vitamin B-12 deficiency are due to poor absorption.
Heritable genetic variations are accounted for at least a third of all B-12 malabsorption cases.

Vitamin B-6
Anemia, Immune system, homocysteine levels
Deficiency in vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, can lead to anemia, seborrheic dermatitis, high homocysteine levels, impaired immune system and neurological problems.
The ALPL enzyme is involved in the clearance of vitamin B6.
Variant carriers show a more efficient clearance rate of the vitamin. On average, carriers of one copy of the variant show up to 18% lower vitamin B6 levels, while carriers of two copies have up to 42% lower levels.

Vitamin B-3
Triglycerides, Metabolic Syndrome
Vitamin B3 (AKA niacin) is an important factor in the removal of triglycerides from the blood. It also contributes to cardiovascular health by raising HDL-Cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol) levels.
Individuals carrying the LPL gene variants must consume adequate amount of dietary niacin. This common genetic predisposition, along with low consumption of niacin, triples the risk for the Metabolic Syndrome, involving dyslipidemia, obesity and diabetes.

Osteoporosis, heart rhythm, muscle function
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body. It forms our bones and teeth, and is also required in maintaining heart rhythm, muscle function and more. Calcium deficiency can cause rickets and delay development at young age, or lead to osteoporosis at older age.
Genetic variation in several genes is known to reduce absorption of calcium.

Deficiency and overload
Iron is involved in energy production and oxygen transport throughout the body, as part of the blood hemoglobin and muscles’ myoglobin. Low levels of iron may lead to anemia, while iron overload is toxic to the organs.
Genetic variation is responsible for most of the iron overload cases, and up to half the cases of iron deficiencies.

HDL cholesterol, hypertension
Moderate consumption of alcohol holds some health benefits, such as countering hypertension and heart disease.
However, this effect is noticeably significant among people with a certain variant in the CETP gene, a gene involved in regulating the "good" HDL cholesterol levels.
Some alcohol may be good for you, so drink responsibly, to your health!

Chronic diseases, inflammation, memory
Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids has various health benefits. It helps lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Omega-3 reduces inflammation and supports memory and cognitive performance.
Sufficient dietary omega-3 is beneficial for the general population, but it is especially important for people with certain genetic variants.
Personalized Nutrition Sample Report
Short texts, crystal clear insights
Take a look at some pages out of our Sample Report below