Fitness Genes
Maximize potential, reduce sport injuries
"Genetic screening of athletes is likely to become as common as measuring height and weight"
-Australian Government Sports Commission
Indeed, the genetic factor is as influential, and nowadays it is almost as simple to test...
Genetics determines 40-90% of sport-performance abilities such as maximal oxygen uptake, anaerobic energy metabolism, running economy, muscle fiber type and more. At the highest levels, a small change in a gene might be the difference between a world record and only making the final. In every level, genetic information can be used to optimize training and avoid certain sports injuries.
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts, find out what’s your edge over others!

Respiratory Capacity
One of the key determinants of endurance performance is the maximal oxygen uptake (aka VO2max). It is widely considered as the single best indicator of aerobic physical fitness. VO2max potential is highly genetic, with evaluated genetic contribution of up to 60%.
Find your genetic baseline and response to training. Get Gene Informed and get personalized training advice.

Muscle Strain and Recovery
Vigorous physical activity and anaerobic metabolism generate a lot of reactive oxygen. This oxidative stress causes inflammation and metabolic damage which slows down recovery from muscles' strain and injury. Enzymes that neutralize free radicals are essential in antioxidant defense. Genetic variants in these enzymes determine how well your body copes with oxidative stress.
Get Gene Informed of your recovery rate from muscle strain and injury, plus fitting expert advice.

Speed and power capacities require a fast flow of energy, produced under anaerobic, low oxygen levels.
The HIF1A enzyme kicks-in under such hypoxia conditions, activating glycolysis to supply the muscles with energy in an anaerobic effort.
The variant form of the HIF1A gene results in higher levels of the enzyme, and allows its carrier to last longer in a power bout.

Fast\Slow Muscle Fiber
ACTN3 and HIF1A genes are major determinants in muscle fiber type composition. One genetic set-up is optimal for fast and powerful muscle contraction, beneficial for sprint and power performance. Another set-up is resistant to fatigue and optimal for endurance performance.
Get GeneInformed and find where is your edge over others!

Meniscus Knee Injury
Meniscus tear is probably the most common knee injury, which often happen during sport activity.
The meniscus cartilage serves as a shock absorber between the thighbone and shinbone. Studies have found that meniscus-injured individuals tend to carry a certain genetic variant. This variant is also associated with slower recovery time after operation.
Are you genetically predisposed to meniscus injury? Get Gene Informed, stay in-form.

Running Economy
Following the shock of energy rebounding back when the feet hit the ground, flexible tendons wobble more and require extra energy to stabilize the musculo-skeletal frame.
A variant of the COL5A1 gene grants an increased muscle-tendon stiffness, resulting in greater energy efficiency and better results among marathon and ultra-marathon runners.

Aerobic Energy Supply
Muscles use glucose taken from the bloodstream as a major energy source during enduring physical exercise. Glucose transporters in skeletal muscles are therefor rate-limiting factors in endurance performance.
Carriers of the SLC2A4/GLUT4 gene variant show higher base levels of glucose transporters, as well as higher increase in number of transporters in response to training.
How well does your body direct sugars into the muscles? Get Gene Informed and get the answer, plus professional advice for your best mode of action.

ACE is of one of the most studied genes in sport genetics, with tens of thousands of athletes tested. For amateurs to Olympic medal winners, the affect of this gene variant was found highly significant.
At the elite level, the ACE genetic set-up might be the difference between a world record and only making the final.

ACL Sprain and Tear
One of the most common knee injuries is an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) sprain or tear.
The cruciate ligaments prevents the shin tibia from sliding out in front of the thigh femur, as well as provides rotational stability and control over the back and forth motion of your knee. Athletes who participate in high demand sports like soccer, football, tennis and basketball are more likely to injure their ACL.
Athletes carrying two copies of the COL5A1 variant have high chances to be free from ACL injury, which gives them an advantage in certain sport disciplines.

Lactate Profile
In spite of it’s bad reputation, lactate is an important source of energy for aerobic activity. It is only when the muscle is overload in lactate that fatigue and muscle cramps take over.
The MCT1 gene codes for a lactate transporter. Variants of this gene affect the rate of lactate flow into muscle cells. Therefor, the MCT1 genetic setup is associated with both endurance and power performances.
Find out what your MCT1 adaptation holds for you. Understand how you can use it, in practice and competition.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic condition of the joints. In OA, cartilage breaks down, causing bones to rub against each other and even break. This joint degeneration condition occurs in athletes through repetitive impact and loading, most often in the knees, but also in other overworked joints. Football, soccer, hockey and rugby players are under the greatest impact damage.
On top of overuse, major risk factors are weight, age, and genetics.

Achilles' Tendon
The Achilles' Tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. Rupture is an Achilles Tendon Pathology (ATP) common among athletes, often occurring during ball-games.
While one genetic make-up can double your chances for ATP, another make-up increases tensile strength and enhances your tendon repair capability.
Gene in-form Sample Report
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