Explore your DNA, the User Manual of Life.
Already had a Ancestry genetic test? get much more out of your test.
Simply download your raw data file for free and submit it for analysis by our experts.
You are the owner of your genetic data. Use it to its fullest.
Your DNA can tell much more. Uncover precious health and wellness insights, personalized to your genetics.
23andme customers
To obtain your raw data file, login to your 23andme account.
In header, go to Tools, Browse Raw Data.
Click Download Raw Data.
File name generated is in this format 'genome_first name_surname__Full_2018xxxxxxxx.zip'.
Purchase one or more of our analysis services.
Ancestry.com customers
To obtain your raw data file, login to your Ancestry.com account.
Click 'Your DNA Home Page'.
Click on 'Settings', 'Download your raw DNA data', 'Get Started'.
Purchase one or more of our analysis services.
How to claim your genetic raw data
Family Tree DNA customers
To obtain your raw data file, login to your FTDNA account.
Download 'Build 37 Raw Data Concatenated'.
A file name similar to this should be generated: 37_firstname_surname_Chrom_Autoso_20181201.csv.gz
Purchase one or more of our analysis services.
MyHeritage customers
To obtain your raw data file, login to your MyHeritage account.
Click on DNA section and choose 'Manage DNA kits'.
Click the three dots to the right of the file you wish to download data for.
Click 'continue' and agree to the information provided.
MyHeritage will send you an email with instructions and direct link to your raw data file for downloading.
Purchase one or more of our analysis services.
LivingDNA customers
To obtain your raw data file, login to your LivingDNA account.
Click 'Download Raw Data' from the left side of your account screen.
Check the 'Consent' box.
Click on 'Download autosomal (family ancestry) raw marker data'.
A ".txt" file should be downloaded.
Purchase one or more of our analysis services.