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double helix DNA strand GeneInformed genetic testing analysis

Ask MyHeritage for your raw genetic data file. It's simple, and it's yours 

GeneInformed specializes in interpreting raw genetic data into meaningful knowledge about your own body. Use our analysis to take better choices for your optimal health, wellness and body function.

Weight Loss

DNA Diet to fit your metabolism

Ever tried a diet that personally suits your genetics?
Small heritable changes in metabolism makes people respond differently to similar diets. That’s why one diet is working for one and not for the other.
GeneInformed provides you with evidence-based analysis and corresponding professional advice for your optimal diet.

free weights

Gene in-form Fitness

For Athletes

Genetic factors play major role  in determining respiratory capacity, energy metabolism, running economy, muscle fiber type, response to exercise and more. Risk for sports injuries such as meniscus and Achilles’ injuries, arthritis, muscle strain, inflammation and recovery time are all dependent on genetic predisposition.

Get Gene-in-form and learn how to optimize your training regimes in order to maximize potential and reduce risk of injury.

Skin Genes

Evidence-Based Personalized Skin Care

Skin characteristics like moisture, elasticity, pigmentation and skin aging are highly heritable. Your DNA test can provide insights about your skin, and useful insights they are, since most skin traits respond to changes in lifestyle, nutrition and cosmetics.

Natural Cosmetics

Healthy Nutrition

Choose Healthier for You

Genetics determine our unique metabolic response to various food items. While most of us metabolize caffeine well, others who drink coffee add to their risk of hypertension, heart attack and diabetes. For some, alcohol provides risk reduction for heart disease, while others are salt sensitive or gluten sensitive. Lower levels of vitamins and minerals may be due to genetic variation in absorption and metabolism in certain people.

Better understand your body and how it interacts with your diet.
Get Gene-Informed and make the right choices that suits your body.

GeneInformed reports

Useful tests. Short, crystal clear texts.

Our main goal is to generate a useful report, with actionable information.

The report opens with short summary paragraphs which can be read in a minute. Evidence-based recommendations will inform you on choices you can take to optimize your body function.  

Another part of the report holds the details of your results and the related scientific evidence, for a more thorough reading. Complementary genetic and biological background can be found in our site. 

Each report is prepared manually and reviewed by our population geneticist before release. 

About Us

GeneInformed was established with the goal of improving health and wellness through genetics.


Our team of experienced geneticists and experts in nutrition, sports, bio-statistics and pharmacology has developed the company’s products in the last six years. We integrate some of our original research with the up-to-date scientific literature and bioinformatic tools. All to provide scientifically-based analysis and useful recommendations that fit your own DNA, your code of life.

Privacy, security and ownership

We are obliged to keep your rights in full.

YOU ARE THE SOLE OWNER of your raw genetic code and the interpretation of it. We will never hand it to a third party or use it in any way other than provide you with the service you paid for. Your test results and personal details are kept separately, locally and are ERASED the moment we send you your report. You do have the option to decide to let us keep it for future updates and more tests.

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